Overcoming Challenges

Building a business can feel like a monumental challenge. Like most small/medium business owners, you might find yourself overworked, stretched thin, and struggling to achieve your growth objectives.

You probably are yearn for the support of a skilled integrator or C.O.O. to help you execute your vision, but your business may not yet be able to afford a full-time executive with the expertise you need. The good news is that the support you require is now within reach!

Experience that Drives Traction

As an experienced integrator and operator who has built thriving organizations, I understand the challenges you face, and I'm here to provide the critical support you need to transform your business. I have a wealth of experience from diverse industries positioning me to help bring your vision to life.

Your Transformational Journey Starts Here

  • Step 1: Exploration

    Identify pain points and opportunities to bring your vision to life.

  • Step 2: Strategic Planning

    Develop short and long-term goals, crafting a roadmap to achieve them.

  • Step 3: Execution and Traction

    As your fractional executive, I ensure flawless execution, driving healthy growth while developing your team, freeing you up to focus on your strengths and what matters most to you.

Unlock the Potential of Your Business

My approach is centered around your success. Whether refining existing operations or executing new growth initiatives, I focus on developing efficient systems and nurturing a thriving team culture.

From strategic planning to flawless execution, I ensure your business gains maximum traction on the journey to thriving success.

What Sets Thriving Business Ventures Apart


Many in my field offer consulting – they give advice and strategies, and then it's up to you to figure out how to implement it all. But at Thriving Business Ventures, I handle execution. This frees you up to focus on what truly aligns with your unique strengths and gifts, the aspects of your business that only you can handle so you can focus on what matters most – growing your business and thriving in life.


As an accomplished executive-level integrator and operator, I possess a rich set of experiences with high-functioning successful teams across a diverse range of contexts (including global corporations, local businesses, for-profit, and not-for-profit entities) which grants me a profound understanding of what it takes to achieve healthy, sustainable, transformational success.

My proven track record of establishing effective systems and thriving teams to build flourishing businesses speaks volumes about the value I bring to businesses like yours.

Cultivating Thriving Employees

True and enduring business success comes from thriving teams. At Thriving Business Ventures, I specialize in fostering a vibrant team culture where employees are valued, engaged, and empowered. My methods drive successful outcomes for the business by cultivating thriving employees instead of at their expense.

A Track Record of Transformational Leadership

As the C.O.O. for the Bend Soap Company, I refined their production and fulfillment systems and fostered a culture of excellence.

The net result drove revenue growth from $500,000 to $2,000,000 in just two years while achieving profitability for the first time in their 5+ year history.

As the Operations Director for the 405 Driving School, I streamlined their onboarding and training process and expanded their team, leading to their most profitable year on record. Additionally, I led an initiative to create interactive S.O.P.s for their entire operations.

Together these efforts increased the business valuation by 200% within one year, paving the way for a successful and profitable sale by the owner.

Expertise You Need, At a Price You Can Afford

Thriving Business Ventures offers fractional executive services. This means you can get an experienced Chief Operating Officer to integrate as part of your team. You can obtain 25%, 50%, or 75% of an FTE (Full Time Employee) to receive executive-level execution services without the expense of a full-time C.O.O.

We also believe it can be a win/win when both parties have skin in the game. So, we're open to exploring creative compensation arrangements, such as reduced rates in exchange for sweat equity or revenue-sharing agreements. These tailored compensation agreements also serve to ensure our services align seamlessly with your business goals.

Request An Exploratory Consultation

Ready to elevate your business from striving to thriving?

Request an exploratory consultation with Thriving Business Ventures and explore the significant impacts a seasoned implementer can have on your business.