
I’m Travis, the founder and CEO of Thriving Business Ventures.

I hold an unwavering belief that everyone can thrive in both business and life.

My mission is to challenge, encourage, and equip individuals to turn this belief into a reality.

My journey, though unique and somewhat unconventional, has been invaluable in preparing me to help others thrive holistically.

It all began with my parents, who set an extraordinary example by living a life of intention and service to others. Their wisdom taught me that true success isn't measured by personal wealth or glory but by the ability to lead a life that blesses and uplifts others. This foundational principle has guided me throughout my journey.

My professional journey began in sales immediately after high school. Although I didn't particularly enjoy the role, I recognized it as a valuable experience, and within two months, I became the #1 sales representative in the nation as a mere high school graduate with no other professional experience. It was in the world of sales that I first grasped the power of optimism, tenacity, and credibility.

After college, I followed in my dad's footsteps into the realm of financial services, where I honed my sales skills and delved into recruitment and training. As a Senior Regional Sales Leader, I gained extensive experience in effective communication and both the art and science of developing others. Though I loved the impact I was able to have on people's lives through providing critical financial education to my clients and training my team, I decided to venture into other endeavors to step out from under my dad's shadow.

This led me into the dynamic world of international marketing, where I realized I possessed a rare and valuable skill set that combines leadership and administration. This aptitude for seeing the grand vision while comprehending the intricate pieces needed to bring that vision to life became one of my defining traits.

I also had a natural ability to connect with others, identifying their gifts and aligning them with their highest potential contributions. This synergy of skills fostered unwavering team unity, meticulous project planning, and unparalleled execution. As a result, my teams consistently achieved remarkable success.

My journey then took a turn towards using my gifts and passions to pour into the development of people's spiritual well-being. My faith had been foundational throughout my life and had compelled me to lead various forms of small groups since high school. These small groups were intentional gatherings where friends explored the wisdom of the Bible and its practical application, all in the pursuit of a life that honors God.

While working in marketing, I had been volunteering at my church to provide training, development, discipleship, counseling, and support to small group leaders and members as they worked through life's challenges. My commitment and capabilities earned recognition from the church, and I was asked to serve as the Director of Small Groups and soon after was appointed as one of the lay pastors (meaning an unpaid, non-staff volunteer pastor).

Shortly thereafter, the church underwent a difficult transition from a network of churches to an independent entity on the heels of a very public conflict where the lead pastor was accused of rampant abuse as a narcissistic leader. During this time, I was asked by my local church campus to step in as a paid staff member. I assumed the role of Executive Pastor and managed the business aspects of the organization, including building the financial foundation, establishing essential accounts, and reassembling volunteer teams to ensure the church's vitality. It was akin to orchestrating a business turnaround, taking an organization on the brink of failure, infused with a history of toxic leadership, and steering it towards newfound health. I thrived in this role, finding joy in facilitating the thriving of everyone under my care. And I took great pride in the fact that by God’s immense grace, we established a healthy, thriving church out of the ashes of the previous network very quickly.

While my family and I had a deep love for the people of that church, I always felt a pull towards ministry in the workplace over a vocational role of ministry within a church or para-church organization. My wife and I were also feeling a tug to move away from Seattle (where we were living at the time) to a smaller city environment, closer to outdoor activities, for the sake of our kids. Once the church was re-established, healthy, and thriving, I moved my family to Bend, Oregon, and took on my next role.

I served as the Chief Operating Officer of the Bend Soap Company. During my tenure, I achieved significant milestones:

  • Quadrupled Sales and Revenue: Sales and revenue increased from $500,000 to over $2,000,000 in just two years, and achieved profitability for the first time in their history, marking a watershed moment for the company.

  • Remarkable Reduction in Customer Service Issues: Through streamlined operations, customer service issues were reduced from over 5% of sales to less than 0.5%.

  • Website Redesign for Optimal Results: A website redesign led to a 1.34 percentage point increase in conversion rates and an average order value boost of $1.50, yielding an impressive 800% return on investment.

  • Transformed Bend Soap from a Hobby to a Turnkey Business: I developed SOPs and rigorous standards of excellence for each department, increasing productivity and lowering overhead costs, contributing to greater profitability and positioning the business so that the owners could continue to run it with minimal oversight, or sell it for great profit.

The owners lived on-site where the business operated but were effectively absentee owners, leaving me to run all aspects of the business so they could focus on other priorities. I navigated constant shifts in vision as the owners tried to determine what their goals for the business were. I also pioneered and established new systems and processes to help the business scale through major growth milestones. I expanded the team, solidified the brand voice, and set the foundation for sustainable success. This adventure marked a turning point in my professional journey.

I realized my unique alignment with Gino Wickman's concepts of an "integrator" or "operator" in the business world. It's the profile marked by someone with strong leadership and administration gifts. I realized more than ever that individuals with a strong integrator profile like mine are rare and valuable, providing stability amidst uncertainty.

After Bend Soap, I launched Fractional Executive Services of Bend (FESB), offering COO-level services through a fractional model to empower small businesses.

One of my notable successes was with the 405 Driving School, where I led the school to its most profitable year, increasing its valuation by 200% and in turn leading to a highly profitable sell event.

I continued to extend my leadership beyond the workplace, guiding and mentoring individuals in various settings, including outdoor adventures and ski instruction. These diverse endeavors, from work to play, all served as vehicles or platforms through which I got to challenge, encourage, and equip people to thrive in all aspects of life.

Then, in October 2020, everything came crashing down!

Just days after summiting South Sister (a classic hike on the outskirts of Bend, Oregon), my health crashed! I developed extreme fatigue, brain fog, irritability, depression, shortness of breath, and a host of symptoms. My primary care Dr. couldn't identify anything wrong and suggested I was simply depressed and should go on depression meds. That wasn't acceptable. I knew something else was wrong.

I cycled through multiple naturopathic Dr's, with each offering a different diagnosis, ranging from adrenal fatigue to SIBO to leaky gut. Yet, none of the remediation plans were bringing positive results.

As I battled my crippling health issues, days turned into weeks, which turned into months, which turned into a year!

Through it all, I kept thinking about the quote reportedly first said by Sir Winston Churchill, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” This compelled me to pray that God would not change my circumstances until He changed me and taught me how to thrive regardless of the oppressive circumstances I was experiencing! He honored that prayer request!

It wasn't until November of 2022 that I was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease.

I underwent an INTENSE regiment of supplements and a HIGHLY restricted autoimmune diet in an effort to cleanse my body of Lyme Disease. To my dismay, after 9 months, my blood was retested, and it was revealed that many of my markers were worse!

It was at this time, around June of 2023, that my Dr. identified the true root issue: Limbic System Dysregulation.

What emerged from this newfound understanding of what was plaguing me was nothing short of a revelation.

I had been studying feverishly for the previous three years in a fight to regain my health. When I learned that Limbic System Dysregulation was underlying all of my health struggles, I dove into studying anything I could get my hands on regarding this issue.

This led me into an unexpected but invaluable and transformative journey. I began to unravel the intricate dance between our thoughts and our health, unveiling the profound truth that our minds can either tether us to a perpetual state of fight or flight, resulting in chronic stress, fatigue, and mental fog, or liberate us to embrace rest, healing, and mental clarity.

Through my health crisis and its profound impact on my life, I found a renewed passion for mental and emotional health. As Earl Nightingale wisely stated, "Whatever we plant in our minds and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality."

It was this epiphany that marked the turning point in my quest for health and well-being. I started to experience immense joy, peace, and hope despite challenging circumstances, learning to thrive regardless of external factors.

Through developing a mastery of mental management, I gained the ability to reframe past emotional trauma and the lies and shame that had haunted me for years. I sculpted a resilient and wholesome self-identity that no longer swayed with the winds of external circumstances. Consequently, my fight-or-flight response began to wane, and the grip of adrenaline on my life loosened. My body, for the first time in years, embarked on the journey of healing.

As Jon Gordon aptly pointed out, "If your enemy knows you're in a battle and you don't know it, you will surely lose. But once you realize you're in a battle and understand how it's being waged, you can create a game plan and strategy to win it."

My journey in understanding the mind/brain/body connection gave me greater insights and understanding regarding the profound spiritual reality taught through the pages of the Bible, God's Word. My health journey expanded my understanding of the Bible's teachings and the truth it holds, and I am now better equipped to guide others in this journey.

Learning how to understand and incorporate mental management, limbic system regulation, epigenetics, quantum theory, and the mind/brain/body connection has been invaluable in my quest to learn how to truly thrive regardless of my circumstances.

All of these areas of study are linked and impact our epigenetics. Epigenetics can be explained as the study of how our thoughts, emotions, and experiences can influence our genetic expression and overall well-being. It's like the conductor of the "dance" between our mind and body, orchestrating whether we remain stuck in stress or move towards healing and clarity. Epigenetics reveals that our mental and emotional states have the power to impact our physical health by turning certain genes on or off, emphasizing the profound link between our thoughts and our body's response.

By incorporating these areas of study and related tools into my repertoire, I gained the ability to reframe past emotional trauma and the lies and shame that had haunted me for years. I sculpted a resilient and wholesome self-identity that no longer swayed with the winds of external circumstances. Consequently, my fight-or-flight response began to wane, and the grip of adrenaline on my life loosened. My body, for the first time in years, embarked on the journey of healing. With each night of restful sleep, every moment of mental clarity, and the resurgence of hope, my transformation unfolded.

In short, through my journey of healing from Lyme disease and Limbic System Dysregulation, I've uncovered an entirely new suite of tools, insights, and knowledge that have equipped me to thrive regardless of my circumstances. That, in turn, has prepared me to more effectively challenge, encourage, and equip individuals to thrive in all aspects of life through learning how they, too, can master their mental and emotional well-being.

This newfound perspective reignited my passion for helping individuals thrive, not only in business but in all aspects of life. This led to the rebranding of my business from Fractional Executive Services to Thriving Business Ventures!

My vision for Thriving Business Ventures is to empower individuals to learn how to thrive regardless of circumstances, to create their ideal selves, and to reach their full potential. My mission shifted from building profitable systems to equipping people with tools to manage their minds and hearts, fostering true thriving not only in business but in all of life.

This powerful foundation has become my unique offering. It's a blueprint for thriving in every aspect of life, transcending the constraints of external circumstances.

But I'm not content with keeping this revelation to myself!

I'm on a mission to share this life-changing wisdom with the world.

The time has come to break free from the chains of circumstance and truly thrive!